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166 EtestingIntelsat 10 (IS 10, PAS 10)267662001-019AHS-601HPIntelsatBaikonur Cosmodrome373914-May-2001  24 C-band, 24 Ku-band providing Direct-to-home video channels to Asia, Africa, Middle East, Europe
268 EtestingGSat 20 (GSat N2, CMS 03)620282024-214AI-4K (I-4000) BusIndian National Satellite (INSAT)Cape Canaveral SFS470018-Nov-2024  Ka-band high-throughput communications payload with 70 Gbps throughput utilizing 32 spot beams with each 2 polarisations providing broadband services across the Indian region
3113 EtestingTelkomsat 113BT (Merah Putih 2, HTS 113BT)589952024-035ASpacebus-4000B2PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia TbkCape Canaveral SFS400020-Feb-2024  High Throughput Satellite telecommunications satellite in C-band/Ku-Band to provide more than 32 Gbps capacity over Indonesia
4116 EtestingKoreasat 6A (Mugunghwa 6A)619102024-206ASpacebus-4000B2KT SATCape Canaveral SFS350011-Nov-2024  20 Ku-band FSS transponders, 6 Ku-band BSS transponders
5143 EtestingExpress AM33 (Ekspress AM33)324782008-003AMSS-2500-GSORussian Satellite Communications CompanyBaikonur Cosmodrome260028-Jan-2008  16 Ku-band, 10 C-band and 1 L-band transponders to provide TV & radio broadcasting, telephony, data transmission, VSAT applications, multimedia services, presidential and governmental mobile communications, commercial mobile communication to Russia, Kazakhstan, northукт areas of Middle East, Mongolia and China.
689 WtestingViasat 3 Americas (VS-3 Americas)563702023-060ABSS-702HPViaSat IncCape Canaveral SFS64001-May-2023  Ka-band capacity. The satellite experienced a major antenna-deployment anomaly that may materially impact its performance. After one month, the issue has not yet been resolved.
785 WtestingSirius XM9 (SXM9, SXM-9)622592024-234ALS-1300XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc./Sirius Satellite RadioCape Canaveral SFS70005-Dec-2024  Replacement satellite for failed XM7. S-Band transponders
816 WtestingEutelsat Hot Bird 13E (HB13E, Eutelsat 9A, E9A, Eurobird 9A, Hot Bird 7A, Hotbird 7A)289462006-007BSpacebus-3000B3Eutelsat Communications S.A.Guiana Space Center410011-Mar-2006  38 Ku-band transponders to provide video and Internet services to Europe.
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